Prompt for participants: Take a picture of yourself as you attempt to psychically project an image from your mind into the camera.
project statement
In the 1960s there was a story of the impossible -- the story of a man who claimed he could project his thoughts directly onto photographic film. He wasn't alone in his belief -- and among those who refused the obvious skepticism were a psychiatrist and a camera. The story is that of Ted Serios -- psychic photographer -- a man who worked as a hotel bellhop but who also refused to be subsumed by the monotony of the everyday. Instead, Serios let his mind wander -- allowing his thoughts to be strangely recorded -- projected onto instant film. The strongest advocate for taking Serios seriously was the psychiatrist Jules Eisenbud who put Serios through a series of tests and experiments, designed to filter and channel and -- ostensibly -- prove the abilities that Serios claimed. Psychic Photography v2 is loosely based on experiments conducted by Ted Serios Participants will be asked to perform a basic exercise in thought-generated imagery, spending roughly 5 minutes visualizing and imagining an image, at which time a photograph of their forehead will be taken. The photograph and the drawing will be retained as project content.